What Is the MIND Diet and Does It Really Work?

what is the MIND diet

In the sea of foolishly restrictive diets that completely discard a certain type of food, it’s truly refreshing to come across a healthy, balanced diet that most nutritionists agree on. That seems to be the case with the MIND (Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay) diet. As its name suggests, this diet could be beneficial for people who struggle to keep their cognitive function as they reach old age.

So, what is the MIND diet and does it work?

What Is the MIND Diet?

This diet combines two very diets that are quickly gaining popularity – the Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet. Research has found that these diets can help with conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes, and many nutritionists consider them as some of the healthiest diets available.

Like many diets, the MIND diet encourages certain foods, while limiting others. Foods that this diet encourages include fish, green leafy vegetables, berries, nuts, olive oil, and whole grains. On the other hand, foods rich in saturated and trans fats like margarine, fried food, and red meat are limited.

Does It Work?

Given that it’s a pretty young, the research on the MIND diet is still lacking. And, while its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities have been well-studied, only a handful of studies explored its effects on cognitive health.

That being said, a comprehensive study of 932 adults found that those who followed this diet very close had a 53 percent lower risk of AD. Even those who followed it only moderately managed to cut their AD risk by 35 percent.


Although it’s still early to say that the MIND diet can definitely improve our cognitive health, first results seem promising. Furthermore, even if your brain doesn’t benefit from this diet, there is no doubt that your body can reap the benefits of this combination of healthy fruits, vegetables, and lean meat.

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